Tag: Google Adwords
From a side project to a business in 150 countries – the two entrepreneurs...
Kremer and Khan believe that by utilising marketing initiatives well, it can raise brand awareness and result in a steady flow of business leads. They share their top five tips on how to grow startups to a global scale.
What will $500 buy you in social media advertising? Way more than you will...
With online advertising spend overtaking TV advertising spend for the first time ever, knowing your way around social media advertising has never been more...
How to locate the best keywords, just for you
It’s one of the first questions that people ask when setting up an account with AdWords, one of the world’s most popular SEM tools. What keywords are most appropriate for my business? While there are a number of online tools available, sometimes the best place to start is by using good ol’ common sense. In this second installment, we reveal five tips for selecting your keywords.
Which half of your advertising works?
It was once said with humour: “I know that half my advertising works. I just don’t know which half.” Such a sentiment is no longer likely to raise a smile. This is because smart marketers (including business owners) now expect a return on investment (ROI) from their marketing (like duh).
What do you know about Google AdWords? This hub was developed to answer the questions you already have, and those you haven't thought yet to ask.
The Anthill Guide to AdWords… for Amateurs AND Assassins (We go both ways)
You may have experimented with AdWords. AdWords might already be core to your strategy. Perhaps you're an online newbie with a desire to dip your toes into the AdWords estuary, with ambitions to make your big splash as a Big Kahuna on the waves of the interwebs! Whether you're a master farmer in the fields of online marketing or an AdWords apprentice, we suspect it's safe to assume one thing. You are not using Search Engine Marketing as well as you could.
How to redeem your Google AdWords Voucher
So, you've scored a free Google AdWords Voucher from Anthill and you want to know how to redeem it. We've found that while the sign-up process is intuitive, the part where you redeem your $50 voucher is seemingly hidden. Fortunately, if you follow these five steps, you won't miss out.