Tag: gen y
More Australians are embracing micro-entrepreneurship, social media and digital pathways to success
One in four Aussies are now self-employed in their own business, and many more have indicated their intentions to launch a start-up in the future.
Older workers are actually better at tech than millennials – new Dropbox study
The idea that older workers struggle more than their younger colleagues with technology has been debunked by a comprehensive new survey by Dropbox.
Too few carrying too many: Why middle managers are business’ unsung heroes
Middle management is a thankless job. Wedged between restless Gen Y’s and entrenched baby boomers. Want to keep your stars? Middle managers are your ace
Can Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen X and Millennials all work together? How four-era teams...
It has taken centuries (in fact, millennia) for an extraordinary situation to occur in the workplace: there are now no fewer than four identifiably...
Click here to put a ring on it: Meet the men who are putting...
The idea of paying for a wedding online is not traditional but Gen Y brides are happy to shop online leading to a real shift in the $4.5b wedding industry
Sleeping with the enemy: Australian business pioneers are hungry to collaborate with competitors
New research indicates that a small number of Australian businesses are willing to collaborate with their competitors in order to advance the industry they work in, drive innovation and build the market.
Australia needs to stop complaining about job cuts and focus on solving the problem-o
Did you hear about the first budget that Tasmanian Treasurer Peter Gutwein handed down on 2 September 2014?
The plans to cut 700 full-time public...
10 reasons why Millennials are like ants. Yes, you read that right: ants
Since writing Understanding Y, I am constantly asked for my thoughts on the potential of the Millennial Generation.
To clarify - this is impossible for...
New survey is telling us which gen is more social and which is more...
Well, as you might have guessed, a whopping 78 per cent of Aussie businesses are planning to invest more time and dinero on social media in the coming year. Around 65 per cent of businesses surveyed recently report that social media has helped their business grow in recent times.
Why doesn’t MTV play music videos anymore? [VIDEO]
This parody video has a 20-something asked the Head of MTV why this television channel no longer plays music videos, like it did in the 1990s. If your start up is aimed is about music, or if it's targeting anyone older than, say, 20, there might be something in this for you too.
Think Gen-Y is the problem? Think again. Baby Boomers are the “real threat to...
The stereotype of a Gen Y employee is usually that of someone difficult to deal with, overly-demanding and the bane of a manager’s life. Yet, according to new research by Leadership Management Australasia (LMA), Gen-Y is looked upon favourably by most workplace leaders and employees across generations. And who is the real threat to workplace stability? Baby Boomers.
Gen-Y forced to rent, loan and swap their way to the products they want
Being a member of Generation Y sure ain’t cheap. According to a new study by credit card big-wig American Express, Australians aged 18-24 have been priced out of owning assets that previous generations took as a given. Instead, they’re opting for the more wallet friendly renting, loaning and swapping.
Vanessa Cullen, 2010 Anthill 30under30 Winner
"I dare to be different," says Vanessa Cullen, owner of commercial interior design firm Forward Thinking Design. "I've been a new business owner, just like my clients, and so I service them from the standpoint of acute understanding, honesty and empathy."
Hey Baby-Boomers… We are sick of your ‘booming’. (Why young entrepreneur programs are NOT...
As a Master of Throwing Rocks, I understand why boomers might want to attack young entrepreneurship programs. But if these loud-mouths can forget about unfair for a moment (yes, it’s not nice losing your place as the centre of attention), they might learn why programs of this type are so important.
Hey Baby-Boomers… We are sick of your 'booming'. (Why young entrepreneur programs are NOT...
As a Master of Throwing Rocks, I understand why boomers might want to attack young entrepreneurship programs. But if these loud-mouths can forget about unfair for a moment (yes, it’s not nice losing your place as the centre of attention), they might learn why programs of this type are so important.
How to make school kids behave? Give them Wi-Fi!
A recent project in Arizona, USA to install Wifi hotspot on school buses has turn a rowdy bus ride into a "rolling study hall", reports the New York Times. While the Internet is often blamed for causing a whole heap of teenager problems, what's available on the internet seems irrelevant when it comes down to changing their behaviour.
Robert Castaneda, 2009 Anthill 30under30 Winner
When the global recession hit, Robert Castaneda packed his bags and moved his family to California. To him, the financial crisis was a perfect opportunity to launch a USA office for his company, CustomWare, a business integration and collaboration services firm.
Nine practical tips for graduate job seekers
If you think it’s a tough market out there, try being a graduate looking for work. Persephone Nicholas offers Gen Ys some frontline advice on wowing prospective employers.
We Gen Ys need more dollars and sense (here’s how)
It has become obvious to me over the past few years spent presenting at universities that an understanding of basic financial principles is not taught anywhere throughout the traditional education system. This leaves us Gen Ys, again, with the responsibility of educating ourselves. Or going bankrupt.
How to mangage Generation Y
The world has changed, and it is just a little out of whack. We're living in a time when teenagers are excelling in Second Life but flunking in their first, Maslow's Needs Hierarchy has been flipped on its head and football players have become metrosexuals. Since 2000, the Chinese have embraced capitalism, Muammar Gaddafi is now a respected member of the international community and Big Brother is finally off air. Computer power doubles every 18 to 24 months, farmers speed-date on national television, we tell one minute bedtime stories to our children, and even instant gratification today seems too slow. (I want my cheeseburger, now!) And then, well, then there's Gen Y... Tech-savvy, ambitious, international in outlook and with a sense of entitlement that would have made 18th Century British aristocrats cringe. So how can employers tame the 'silver-spoon' generation?