Tag: e-commerce
How Bigcommerce is helping mums (and the rest of us) get started with online...
Digital space is liberating, is it not?
Bigcommerce is helping more and more aspiring entrepreneurs take to the web with awesome ecommerce sites. The company...
It’s the technology, stupid!
The Entourage Group has traditionally run mentoring programs, primarily for the young to learn, in a manner of speaking, at the feet of the old. It might just be the time for a switcheroo – allowing the older lot to learn from the young, and catch up with technology.
Aussie outfit Hello Fresco: ‘the only tees you’ll ever need’. Plus, 30% off for...
Way back in August ’11, when dinosaurs still roamed the earth, we profiled Aussie tee company Hello Fresco. Hello Fresco founder Jono Chatterton launched the biz to "support me and my global wanderings.” In a similarly laissez faire approach, Chatterton reckons business plans are for losers. To celebrate the release of Hello Fresco's brand-spanking video, Chatterton's offering Anthillians a whopping 30% off your next purchase.
Four tests for e-commerce providers (before they get the gig)
If you’re set to start an online business, your website will become your brand’s bread and butter. Therefore, having the right e-commerce solution is crucial.
CatchOfTheDay has big supermarkets on the hook
Australian online department store, CatchOfTheDay, has local supermarket big kahunas firmly in its sights. CatchOfTheDay trialled the discounted groceries model for 12 months before launching GroceryRun. The company offered groceries as part of a two-day event each month. It sold, on average, two grocery items a second, netting more than $1 million in just 48 hours.
Most Australian small businesses say ‘no’ to internet
A solid majority of Australian SMEs don't use email, a web site or any other aspect of the Internet, a recent research report has found. Talk about missed opportunities -- that same report notes that the average Australian now spends nearly 18 hours a week online.
Most Australian small businesses say 'no' to internet
A solid majority of Australian SMEs don't use email, a web site or any other aspect of the Internet, a recent research report has found. Talk about missed opportunities -- that same report notes that the average Australian now spends nearly 18 hours a week online.
Australian retail e-commerce industry gets its own awards program
The inaugural award ceremony in Australia for the e-retail industry will be held in July at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre.