Schools and businesses are not known to mix often. On one end, you have an institution pursing academic and scholarly enlightenment and on the other, you have a pragmatic entity aiming for market domination and expansion. Well, there is always a first time for everything, so Educational Infrastructure Services Australia (EISAU) has decided to give us a first of a kind.
How does EISAU link schools and businesses?
The unique service focuses on sparking up dialogue between schools and providers of goods and services. The web based business provides an advertising platform where providers of goods and services who have previous experience working with schools can become connected to every education provider registered on the site. Schools and businesses throughout Australia have been invited to register over the last couple of months.
The brainchild of Madeleine Borrey, a Graduate of the Macquarie School of Management, was released to the public on 1 August 2012.
“I am confident that schools & businesses alike will find the site a valuable tool that will provide additional commercial opportunities as well as saving time for schools who find it difficult to source reliable suppliers,” says Borrey.
For an extremely reasonable fee, providers of goods and services can reap the many benefits of this brand new Australian wide service. By creating a profile that can be updated as required, service providers become discoverable to a wide network of independent and state schools. This is a market that is very difficult to penetrate; hopefully EISAU will change this.
There is no cost to schools to use the service and they are able to browse testimonial supported providers who have past experience working within schools. This not only allows non-listed companies to gain the advantage of positive testimonials but it also means that schools can ensure that they are employing proven and experienced school providers.
Image by Nanagyei