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New website helps ‘buy Australian’


buy-australian-webpageWhen K-Rudd launched the Stimulus Package ‘Investment Allowance’ – a 50% tax refund on business purchases of more than $1,000 by small businesses – I blogged about the idiocy of subsidising foreign purchases.

I don’t know about you but I struggle to think of a business asset that retails for more than $1,000 that is locally produced.

That’s why I was pleased to learn of a new website that aspires to make it much easier for consumers to search for Australian made products, and for local manufacturers to be found.

The website www.buyaustralianmade.com.au is not much fancier than a listing business – a directory. But it is being launched at a time when many manufacturers, especially in regional areas, are finding it tougher to sell their products through traditional retail outlets as the major chains cull their product lines.

“There is very strong support from the Australian public to buy locally-made products and source services from locally-based companies, but until now there hasn’t been an easy way of finding them,” said BuyAustralianMade managing director Stephen Gately in a press release.

“Over the past few years we’ve seen many thousands of local jobs lost to third world countries, and unless something changes, more local jobs will be lost. The loss of jobs has a large negative effect on our economy and our pride as a nation.”

The deadline to take advantage of the Investment Allowance was extended by six months in April. Purchases must be ordered by 31 Dec 2009, then delivered and installed by 31 December 2010, again a six month extension on the previous deadline.

That’s five months to get shopping and buy Australian.