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Cool Company Awards
The Cool Company Awards were launched in 2006 as a way for Anthill to acknowledge and celebrate Australian organisations that are doing things differently to bring about positive change. Cool Companies stay one step ahead of the rest. They breed leaders who are rule-makers and rule-breakers. They are trend-setters in attitude and action. Quite simply, they are … cool! More.
State: NSW
Category: Micro
Most photographers spend far too much time sitting in front of a computer, rather than standing behind a camera.
iMAGECLOUD helps solve this problem by simplifying the process of digital asset management (Yes, the sizing and storage of images) and by making professional photographers more efficient in their back office and during post-processing tasks.
It is also the first platform of its kind where anyone can join.
Platforms of this nature were previously only available to franchise groups. In this way, iMAGECLOUD is empowering independent photographers that were previously hamstrung within restrictive agreements or without any systems for scale.
In less than 24 months, the service has 860,000 images, helped with 65,000 campaigns, and stored 32TB of data.
Customers also love iMAGECLOUD, because it helps them receive their final product faster, using a best practice process that helps enforce service levels and quality.
iMAGECLOUD has created a software that simplifies the lives of professional photographers. It’s a small business, making a big impact.