If you missed out on nominating your own organisation (or another ‘cool’ company) for Anthill’s 3rd Annual Cool Company Awards, don’t slap your forehead in dismay. We’ve responded to your requests (your demands, your pleas) and extended the application deadline until this Thursday 7 August 2008 (two days away).
In the meantime, we’ve downloaded some overview statistics about the companies that have completed applications so far.
So, who has entered Anthill’s 3rd Annual Cool Company Awards?
Largely, they are private enterprises (no surprises there). The majority have one to 50 shareholders. Only 45% have a board of directors and 36% plan to exit through a trade sale. A surprising 28% have no exit strategy at all.
Of our ‘cool’ company founders, 54% are male, 24% are female. The rest have more than one founder. Forty is the most common age for starting a ‘cool’ company. The slim majority (53%) relied on personal savings to start their businesses.
The most popular award category is the Innovation Award, followed closely by X-Factor and Online Business (clearly, our ‘call-to-action’ had its intended effect). The most poorly represented category is the Big Kahuna Award, not because big companies aren’t ‘cool’ but I suspect the outcome simply comes from the fact that there are less of ’em.
So, will this blog post help those companies thinking of entering? Or frustrate those that have already completed the application form? Probably neither. But there’s always something intriguing about statistics, even if they can only ever tell us part of the story. To get the full picture, you might just have to wait until October. 🙂
Until next time, best of luck to all you ‘cool’ Anthillians!
The winners of the 3rd Annual Cool Company Awards will be announced at a Gala Awards Ceremony, to be held at the Melbourne headquarters of Primary Sponsor PricewaterhouseCoopers in September. The full outcomes will be published in the Oct/Nov edition of Anthill Magazine, available in the first week of October.