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Little Space Heroes – Virtual Universe (NSW)
This innovation initially came to life when…
A team of ex-Disney and ex-games industry veterans decided to create the best virtual world for kids. Our startup is the fastest-growing games company in Australia, growing from five people in Jan 2011 to over 20 people now, and we’re now taking our story to mobile platforms and brand franchise extensions.
The purpose of this innovation is to…
Provide kids aged 6-12 around the world with a story-driven, safe, social online game experience across multiple platforms including web and mobile.
It does this by…
Delivering light years more fun through more character personalisation, more places to explore, deeper story-driven gameplay, technology advantages that offer a better graphical experience and a focus on character and story that differentiates us from older virtual worlds.
We assure parents with our focus on safety. We’ve secured more independent awards and accreditations than any other kids virtual world.
This innovation improves on what came before because…
It offers exactly what our audience wants.
Little Space Heroes is a step change in virtual worlds for kids. Our “virtual universe” provides a story-driven, social online game experience for kids worldwide. With numerous technology leaps against rivals, we offer a much more immersive freemium game that is already seeing massive growth in 50+ countries.
Its various benefits to the customer/end-user include…
Kids want fun, social, story-driven game experiences and we have delivered the best possible game experience. There is more personalisation, more discovery, more social play opportunities, more sense of adventure and goal attainment based on game design fundamentals.
In the past, this problem was solved by…
Other game experiences. But in our industry, there is a continual and endless demand for new entertainment experiences. Kids are seeking game experiences that let them have fun with friends around the world. Parents want this to be safe. We offer the best story-driven and safest game experience in the world.
Its predecessors/competitors include…
There are hundreds of rivals. None offer the depth of story, range of gameplay and focus on safety that we do. We are rated higher by games review sites and we have more safety endorsements than any other virtual world.
It is made for…
Kids aged 6-12 worldwide who are online via a computer or mobile device. There’s 250 million of them growing 20% YOY.
It is available for sale through…
Our consumer facing website
It’s actually freemium — kids can play free as long as they like before a parent can choose to upgrade to full membership.
Our marketing strategy is to…
We have already built a massive reputation in the gaming and parenting space through targeted PR, careful SEO planning, social activities and limited direct marketing. We are now ramping up marketing activity and working with our affiliate partners including Telstra and soon-to-be-announced major gaming portals in Asia, North America and Europe.
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