What is the 30under30?
30under30 is an Anthill initiative launched in early 2008 to encourage and promote entrepreneurship among young Australians.
Each year, we invite our readers to nominate young Australian entrepreneurs deserving of recognition for their outstanding entrepreneurial endeavours. More.
Jayde Lovell, VIC (b. 1986)
Name: Jayde Lovell
Age: 27 (Born: August 1986)
Gender: Female
State: VIC
Known for: Make Me Interesting
Some people can sell anything.
Case in point: Make Me Interesting founder Jayde Lovell, who currently helps Rolls Royce, Oreo, and Burger King build their brands in Indonesia. Of course, that’s before we mention that the company cut its teeth (eh, so to speak) selling g-strings in Siberia. For real.
But it all started with a school in Jakarta. When she was 21, Lovell sold everything she had and moved to Indonesia (against the advice of everyone she knew) to start a not-for-profit school in Jakarta. The Melbourne Institute of Language Studies eventually came to be, and is now host to more than 2,000 students.
“Entrepreneurs take crazy risks because they believe in themselves. I sold everything I ever owned and moved to one of the world’s neediest cities – Jakarta, Indonesia – to start my own business, when I was 21. Why start small from the safety of your own home when you can do something BIG overseas?” says Lovell.
Her latest venture, Make Me Interesting, helps businesses to become more “outrageously, gregariously interesting” through social and digital media, as Lovell puts it.
Lovell even turned a missed chance to visit Weber Shadwick in Malaysia last November into a huge win. When she boldly tweeted the Weber Shadwick execs across the globe, hoping for little more than a placement, she was offered the role of VP of Digital.
What drives her?
“Probably my short attention span! No one should have to sit through rambling speeches, read stuffy white papers, or suffer at the hands of boring PowerPoint presenters,” says Lovell.
“I wanted to help people fight boring and be heard.”
Anthill asks: Jayde Lovell, what’s your super power?
I refer to my super power as GSD (Getting S#!@ Done). There’s always a way to GSD, if you’re crazy enough to try in the first place!
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To check out the full list of Anthill’s 30under30 winners, click here.