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What is 30under30?
30under30 is an Anthill initiative launched in early 2008 to encourage and promote entrepreneurship among young Australians. This year saw a surplus of highly qualified entrants, so we thought we would highlight some of the bright and innovative nominees who just missed the Top 30 by a wink. Behold, our 2012 30under30 Honourable Mentions! More.
James McDonough, WA (b. 1985)
Name: James McDonough
Age: 27 (Born: April 1985)
Gender: Male
State: WA
Known for: SEE Forge
Workplace safety is an issue with particular resonance in Western Australia, and Perth’s James McDonough is emerging with a unique solution.
He’s the developer of SEE Forge, a mobile platform for facilitating communications amongst personnel, for reporting injuries and resolving safety problems in real time.
This, says McDonough, encourages proactive approaches to risk management and allows for higher productivity.
SEE Forge has already raised over $1 million in capital in its first year, and the startup has grabbed the sights of mining industry executives worldwide.
Even so, McDonough is no one-trick pony. A series of successful ideas has brought him to this point, and he’s always testing the waters to realise more.
“I have no choice,” says McDonough, whose career spans stints in management consulting, a talent agency, computer tutoring and candle sales.
“The constant bombardment of ideas, obsessive compulsive tinkering, researching and testing is my life and has been since I was born.”
Anthill asks: James McDonough, what is your super power?
X-ray vision. I have the ability to see into organisations’ operations and identify the nasty problems causing pain. My X-ray vision allows me to create valuable solutions that people think of me as a hero.
SEE Forge Mobile Solutions
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To check out the full list of Anthill’s 30under30 winners, click here.