Every business in on a path to self-destruction. It might happen this year, or in 100 years.
Perhaps the death of your business will be dramatic. Maybe, it will simply fade into the night.
One thing is sure. It will happen.
And the end of a business usually involves hardship — mental and financial — for owners, partners and employees. But it doesn’t need to be that way.
How bad it gets will depend on how well you are prepared.
What strategies do you have in place to manage setbacks when they strike…
- A split with a partner?
- An unexpected call on a loan?
- A horrid family disaster?
- An economic downturn?
- A litigious employee?
- Or something you’d never in a million years be likely to predict?
The good news is that actions taken to mitigate unhappy situations now not only have the potential to save your bacon later but they are also guaranteed to make your business stronger and more attractive to investors, buyers and anyone on the other side of a succession plan. Learn how to turn setbacks into opportunities. [INSTANT EBOOK DOWNLOAD]