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James Tuckerman

James Tuckerman is one of Australia's most accomplished digital publishers. He's an entrepreneur, angel investor, consultant, coach and public speaker. He is best known for launching Anthill Magazine, in 2003, from the spare bedroom of his parents' home. He was then 26 years of age. In 2004 and 2005, he was named Best Small Publisher in Australia by the ABA (now Publishers Australia). In early 2009, he reinvented the Anthill business model, abandoning its print origins in favour of a 100% digital product. Within six-months, AnthillOnline.com was listed by Nielsen Online Ratings among the Top 50 Business & Finance websites in Australia (http://anthillonline.wpengine.com/about-us/). Since then, he has launched numerous digital ventures and helped other companies, large and small, make the transition online or helped them significantly improve their online commercial outcomes. To contact James, go to LinkedIn.

Twittering about Anthill

When we made our big announcement yesterday that Anthill Magazine had become a quarterly publication, we never expected to receive the flood of emails, SMS messages and phone calls of support. But we were intrigued to discover that we'd become a discussion topic among the chirperati on Twitter.

We have good news and bad news

Let's start with the bad news... Unless you’ve been living under a rock (or an ant hill) for the last six months, you will have...

Can our emails read your mind? (Yes, well, kinda)

This week we flooded our readers' inboxes with a wide range of stories, semi-obnoxious headlines, serious opinions and a spattering of irreverent, odd-ball items of information from around the globe. We did this to get a better idea of just what interests our readership as a whole, and you personally. While the email technology can't read minds (literally), it can self-optimise.

Having trouble paying bills? Try digital arachnid!

After listening to a colleague chasing payment from recalcitrant debtors earlier today, I felt compelled to dig up this infectiously funny email chain from...

If you were the PM, how would you spend $42b?

I often trip myself up, spouting strong opinions without all the facts. I suspect this is about to be one of those occasions. Deficits don't...

Why we’re embarrassed about our new website (and proud of it!)

In mid-2008, we wrote about a clever Australian company called TrickyTix on the topic of Product Development. TrickyTix CEO Scott Handsaker provided us with the...

Barack Obama sworn in

"Obama's address was almost entirely free of campaign style rhetoric or obvious applause lines. Its seriousness of tone contrasted sharply with the mood of the masses gathered to hear it; in the run up to the inauguration chants of "Obama" rang through the crowd and even afterward the crowd was in a feisty mood -- offering mocks cheers and waving goodbye as former President George W. Bush flew overhead in a helicopter."

Where are the Innovators? (Smart 100)

To begin with, hats off to the 700+ readers who nominated Australian innovations over the holiday period! At a time when most people are at...

Are you a Maven?

Gladwell defines a tipping point as a sociological term: "the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point." The book seeks to explain and describe the "mysterious" sociological changes that cause an idea (or product) to go viral. As Gladwell states, "Ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread like viruses do." He then suggests triggers for making an idea 'tip'. One of these involves harnessing the power of 'influencers'.

How to buy into a franchise

Former wine wholesale owner, Andrew McAllister, switched bottles for burgers when his small wine wholesale company started to head south. Getting the taste for...

How to make money from your art

Graphic designer Leah Bartholomew had a creative vision – to turn her art into a solo exhibition. With a little help from her friends...

Which books inspire you?

Working in magazines, you'd expect that I like to read. What you wouldn't expect is that I sometimes find myself quite lonely, without anyone to talk with after reading the latest paradigm-shifting page-turner. Part of the problem is that I often hear about about great books before they are launched in Australia (a perk of the job). I promptly order them from Amazon, after which, I am forced to keep the many percolating thoughts running through my head to myself, until the said thought-jigger finally gets a release down-under. So, here's my idea...

An email exchange with Harry Hellraiser

Not so long ago, I received an email sporting the colourful headline, "I am pissed off Mr 'ethical businessman'." Receiving the odd spray is all...

Don’t trust anyone over 30

When people pick up Anthill for the first time, they often ask, "Is Anthill just for young entrepreneurs?" My answer is a resounding, "No." Anthill...

Barack and the new US

Earlier this year, one of my favourite US business magazines, Fast Company, made the following observation: Win or lose, Barack's rise reveals a new reality...

Innovation has nothing to do with downturns. Just ask Eric Schmidt.

You may have noticed that every second Thursday, over the last few months, I have posted a blog on a topic that explores entrepreneurship....

(re)innovate challenge

As you all well know, Anthill Magazine is committed to building a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in Australia. Our readers probably know better than...

Anthill launches ‘Interactive Print’

Scattered throughout the latest edition of Anthill you may notice a series of black and white boxes. No, they are not crosswords on crack. Rather,...

How to… change your life (part #2)

For this part of our Magazine 2.0 Experiment, we are looking for real, personal stories on the topics below. Would you like to share...

How to… change your life!

Anthill's 'Magazine 2.0' edition will be circulating throughout Australia during the December/January period - often aptly described as the 'silly season'. But the holiday period...
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Five ways to manage your time by managing yourself, with Helen...

Finding the time to tackle everything is one of the greatest challenges faced by business owners. To help time-starved business owners work smarter and not harder, we spoke with Helen Ebdon. The director of Affirming Business and Executive Coaching, she’s a serial entrepreneur who started her first business at age 25. She’s built and run direct marketing and communications businesses and she’s also the creator of the Take 15 Program for business effectiveness.


Four Page Digital Marketing Strategy [FREE RESOURCE]

Simply click the image below to unlock the free FOUR PAGE DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY. Embrace the FOUR pillars of all successful online marketing campaigns. Click...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...