AMMS09 provides you with industry leading thinkers, innovators and practitioners from Australia, ASIA the US and UK. Discussing the latest trends for ‘real’ marketing and branding solutions designed for local level activation. Focusing on the current and relevant topics associated with Branding, Sponsorship and Promotional Marketing techniques and practises.
When: 17 & 18th March 2009
Where: Sheraton Hotel, Perth WA
Seats selling fast, limited positions available
AMMS09 will arm you with an artillery of new ideas, solutions, strategies, mind sets and networking contacts. Perfectly timed for implementation into your marketing budgets, creating real impact and return into 2009/10.
Speakers include:
Rebekah Horne
Managing Director, Europe
Amy Smith
Managing Director
Jenny Craig Australia/New Zealand
Ian Stewart
Senior Vice President
MTV Networks Asia
Mike Wilson
Naked Communications
Michelle Pilot
VP Marketing
MasterCard Worldwide Australasia
Ben Wicks
Sponsorship Director
Fosters Group Australia
Dr. Larry DeGaris
Sponsorship Research & Strategy USA
Bernie Mullin, Ph.D
The Aspire Group USA
& Former CEO Atlanta Hawks (NBA), Atlanta Thrashers (NHL)
James Tuckerman
Anthill Magazine