Getting your message across to your audience is a complex and often scientific affair. Businesses and organisations spend millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours crafting campaigns that they believe will promote their service or sell their product. This could never be more true than in the cut-throat world of politics.
In fact, many lessons may be learned from the creativity and psychological techniques used to persuade potential voters.
We were, therefore, particularly impressed with this Argentinian blast-from-the-past (it won a ‘Silver Lion’ in the Cannes Lions Contest 2006) that was used to support and popularise Presidential candidate Ricardo Lopez Murphy and his ‘Recreate for Growth’ agenda.
Unfortunately, he came third with only 18 percent of the vote behind Carlos Menem and Néstor Kirchner, but this may have had more do with the chaotic nature of Argentinian politics than the effectiveness of his advertisement.