Every year, we are fascinated by the breadth and range of companies that are nominated for the Anthill Cool Company Awards.
We also enjoy observing the various trends that emerge.
Last year, we were forced to ask the question, ‘Where are the female entrepreneurs?‘ when, according to the nomination form, only 8% of the nominated companies in 2008 were run by women. Of course, our provocatively titled post had our female Anthillians nominate en masse, getting our female contingent up to a more respectable 28%.
This year, only one month into the process, nominated companies run by women represent 35% of the total!
What has changed in 12-months? Last year, we asked, ‘Our women less likely than men to self-promote?’ Obviously not.
We’ll be watching with bated breath (and “whisp’ring humbleness”) to see whether this figure slips when application time comes around.
As far as we’re concerned, one thing is certain. ‘Coolness’ has never been gender specific.