This SMART 100 profile and the information it contains is a duplication of content submitted by the applicant during the entry process. As a function of entry, applicants were required to declare that all details are factually correct, do not infringe on another’s intellectual property and are not unlawful, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Some profiles have been edited for reasons of space and clarity.
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This innovation initially came to life when…
my father had to pour a $500 bottle of wine down the sink because it was past its prime. A big Barossa red, stored for 20 years in his cellar, it should have been a cracker. We decanted it, let it breath…and it was vinegar! I thought there must be a way stop that happening, and voila! WineMinder was born (with lots of other stuff going on in between)!
The purpose of this innovation is to…
The purpose of WIneMinder is to help people enjoy better wine. It monitors how wine is stored and tells the wine lover when every bottle is ready to drink. No more guessing – just open and enjoy!
It does this by…
Measuring the temperature the wine is stored at and putting this through our wine shelf life algorithm to work out if the wine is aging faster than idea!
This innovation improves on what came before because…
There is no other way to work out when a bottle of wine has aged to a peak, other than opening it! The current solution is to maintain a ‘perfect’ cellar, including monitoring it. But if you’re cellar isn’t perfect (and who has a rock cavern under their house??) then WineMinder will tell you when wine is ready to go.
Its various benefits to the customer/end-user include…
Drinking better wine by knowing when it’s aged to perfection.
In the past, this problem was solved by…
In the past, you needed a perfect cellar, or perfect guesswork to work out when stored wine was at its peak. With WineMinder you can drink wine at the right time to get maximum enjoyment from it. Never too early, and never too late!
Its predecessors/competitors include…
In the past, you needed a perfect cellar, or perfect guesswork to work out when stored wine was at its peak. With WineMinder you can drink wine at the right time to get maximum enjoyment from it. Never too early, and never too late!
It is made for…
The target market for this product are wine fans, and people who buy for them. This includes; Wine enthusiasts with large, high value collections (a tool to support their passion); casual collectors without a dedicated cellar (helps them manage their valued bottles); Friends & family of wine fans (A gift for the wine fan in their life). 48% of the population drink wine regularly, 43% of those have a dedicated storage space for wine: target market of 2M, or 1M households with similar proportions overseas.
It is available for sale through…
Online and through wine retailers.
Our marketing strategy is to…
secure an industry partnership with an onlline wine retailer, along with our own direct, online sales channel supported by social media marketing.
FINE PRINT: This SMART 100 profile and the information it contains is a duplication of content submitted by the applicant during the entry process. As a function of entry, applicants were required to declare that all details are factually correct, do not infringe on another’s intellectual property and are not unlawful, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Some profiles have been edited for reasons of space and clarity.