Yesterday, we received the following ‘pitch’ through our editorial ideas submission form:
We are looking for a charismatic solo entrepreneur (or aspiring entrepreneur) to take part in an innovative documentary film project.
If you are an outgoing, entrepreneurial, ambitious man, aged 28 to 45 and available to travel overseas for up to two weeks sometime in the next couple of months, then this project could provide you and your business with extensive exposure to a national and international audience.
This is an exceptional opportunity for self-promotion as part of a professional film production project.
It sounded like an adventure that might be of interest to our readers. So,we checked it out.
It is an initiative of The Hallway, a Sydney based digital marketing and advertising agency. The project is top secret. Based on this video extracted from The Hallway website, however, it’s not hard to guess the project’s agenda.
John Jameson Productions – Case Study Video
Whatever the purpose, it involves free international travel with unapologetic opportunities for blatant self-promotion. Sounds like fun. So, here’s the link: (We notice that the form incorporates no privacy clauses. Just so you know.)