This video, created by Shimi Cohen taps into the heart of why, in a world of ultra connectedness, loneliness is one of the most common human ailments.
It combines the thoughts of the marvelous Sherry Turkle, author of Alone Together. And, it includes insights from Dr. Yair Amichai-Hamburger’s article, The Invention of Being Lonely. You can watch Turkle’s TED talk here.
Are we reaching a new state of personal development where: I share, therefore, I am?
If you think about every post you construct, every photo you upload, question how much you are constructing a sanitised version of yourself? Plus, think about how often you check your social media channels, are you building a false sense of never being alone?
Big questions for a Tuesday, I know. But, ones worth pondering.
The innovation of loneliness