Tag: Shell
Microlearning platform EdApp completes $4.25M follow on raise from SafetyCulture
EdApp is best known for its on-demand microlearning platform which offers companies across all industries, including retail, mining, FMCG and infrastructure, a more effective way to onboard, motivate and train employees.
This Melbourne-based file-sharing service is giving Google Drive and Dropbox a run for their...
Sixty Digits, a small Melbourne-based business has created a file-sharing service more than three times faster than the big boys of file sharing: the...
After conquering Australia, this 23-year-old entrepreneur is spreading her innovative recruitment start-up’s wings to...
Founded by 23-year-old entrepreneur Gen George, OneShift is an online job-matching service that is out to take the hassle out of recruitment while chopping...
When social media goes horribly wrong: The ‘Shell Let’s go’ campaign
Imagine you're a multinational oil company. Then, think about the general reputation oil companies have, not forgetting the BP spill. Now, think about a marketing campaign to draw a lot of attention to the industry. Did you come up with a build-your-own-caption campaign? One that allows lots of sharing on social media? No? Well someone did.
Need startup capital? Australian Innovation Challenge Awards deadline extended to October 12
The deadline for The Australian’s innovation awards – presented by the daily in partnership with Shell and the Commonwealth Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research – has been extended, apparently on growing popular demand. The awards recognise innovation for the public good as well as breakthroughs that have potential for commercial use. The winners of each category will receive a cash prize of $5,000. The overall winner will receive an additional $25,000. The Backyard Innovation award open to the general public has a $10,000 prize.