Tag: reviews
If you doubt the power a great review can have on your business, I...
This entire chain of events can be attributed to that one review done by a mum in business who did not know me. It was a genuine review from someone who wanted to help other women in business.
No more fake customer reviews! Local startup is putting an end to astroturfing by...
Independent reviews are the best way for people to decide where to buy online. The problem is finding truly independent reviews that have been...
Your first look at the Apple iPad
This week, Apple's much anticipated iPad became available for US consumers. In Australia, we can't expect to see them floating around our offices and coffee-shops until late April (at the earliest). But to keep your inner-early-adopter satiated until then, hear are a couple of user reviews from the crew at Mashable keen to share their tech-lust.
iPhone app review: Oz Weather and Pocket Weather
The top two weather apps on the Australian iTunes store are Oz Weather and Pocket Weather. These two are the weather man/girl for your iPhone.