Tag: quotes
The art and science of quotations with confidence: 4 business hacks to make quoting...
Quoting is an art and a science. In addition to calculating the cost of materials, you need to judge how much time you’re likely to take to perform the service component to achieve the level of customisation required.
What’s the costliest phase of any project? Estimating the cost, if you get it...
At what point in any new project are you most likely to make the most costly mistake? When quoting.
That's right. If you miscalculate your quotes early, you're guaranteed to pay through the nose later. In this Skill Share Micro Course, Anthill Academy member Mick Saddler shares his own special super power... The humble art of estimating projects.[notice]LEARN MORE[/notice] | [notice]SIGN UP NOW[/notice] |
Meet Service Seeking, Anthill 2011 Cool Company Award Finalist [Online Business Category]
Yellow Pages, you've been put on notice. The young men behind the job-bid website Service Seeking want to put you out of business. But, well, short of that, they want to continue the biggest site of its kind in Australia, giving consumers a place to compare quotes and prices from local businesses.
Quote: Seth Godin on marketing
"Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell."
-- Seth Godin
More Tequila Shots Quotes.
Quote: Eugene McCarthy on bureaucracy
“The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency.”
–– Former US Democratic Senator from Minnesota, Eugene McCarthy.
Quote: Katharine Hepburn on sex and money
“If you’re given a choice between money and sex appeal, take the money. As you get older, the money will become your sex appeal.”
— Iconic American actress Katharine Hepburn
Tequila Shots
Quotes, factoids and other curious teasers to get your creative juices flowing.