Tag: public speaking
Five essential tips to help you connect with any audience [VIDEO]
Whether you're creating a video for your company, presenting at a conference or, speaking with investors, there are things you need to do to...
Meet Super Speak, Anthill 2012 Cool Company Award Finalist [Micro Business Category]
Super Speak is innovative for recognizing that most adolescent speaking courses were actually borne out of adult curricula, and as such, was always a little daunting for the little ones. Now, the content is 100% cool and totally kid friendly, thanks to Super Speak. Now, the team at Super Speak is bent on making speech fun for kids – and the company is having a rollicking time itself in the process.
Pssst … want to know the essential secrets of giving a great presentation? [VIDEO]
Actor George Jessel once quipped that, "The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public.” There are some key things to consider when presenting to anyone, be it five people at a pitch for capital or 1,000 people at a TED event. In this video, Dr. Susan Weinschenk reveals the top five things every presenter should know.
Pitch Club Hobart is on!
Promotion: On the back of Melbourne Pitch Club last month, we are off to Hobart next week (17th March 2011). Pitch Club assists aspiring entrepreneurs to launch their new business ideas. We provide a forum to Pitch ideas; tools to manage and syndicate ideas and match you up with quality advisors and business angels. Pitch Club chapters are in most major cities in Australia.
Five things I learned at Pitch Club in Melbourne last week.
Lesson #1: There is definite value in pitching unprepared. One of the pitchers on the night had not pitched before. You could tell he was hungry to get in front of the crowd and tell his story. This is because few of us ever get the opportunity to have our ideas challenged.
Speaking of… ‘genetically modified orgasms’
For most of us there will come a time (sometimes many) when we need to address our work colleagues, clients, customers or peers.
Speaking of… 'genetically modified orgasms'
For most of us there will come a time (sometimes many) when we need to address our work colleagues, clients, customers or peers.
The key to success: authentic self-expression
Here's a question for all network marketers: How big can your business grow and how successful can you be if people do not listen...
Marketing: Presenting with impact
Public speaking is a core business skill that's often not taught in any business course. Many people avoid public speaking and don't understand the importance of using presentations to help build their business. Here are some tips to help you plan and deliver a presentation with impact.