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Tag: michelle matthews

Online Marketing by Design (Seminar)

Success in online marketing requires excellence in two areas – an understanding of the ‘purpose’ and ‘personality’ of any given project. ‘Online Marketing by Design’ will draw on the experiences of real business owners and creative professionals to determine what constitutes well designed and commercially effective online marketing.

iPhone app review: TED Talks

Do you know TED? TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design and refers to a conference that has taken place in California every February for the past 25 years.

iPhone app review: Oz Weather and Pocket Weather

The top two weather apps on the Australian iTunes store are Oz Weather and Pocket Weather. These two are the weather man/girl for your iPhone.

iPhone app review: TripIt

The travel category of apps is the premium space on the iPhone app store - the Paris end, if you will. Although the more pricey apps reside here, they might make the difference between a great or average trip, missing or catching a flight, so it’s worth considering forking out the coin.

iPhone app review: Concert Vault

Concert Vault is a simple, free app that adds another dimension to the humble iPod concept. Lazy Sunday afternoons with the speaker jack plugged into the iPhone, listening to concerts you were too poor or too unborn to attend are a real treat.

iPhone app review: Instapaper

Today we welcome Michelle Matthews, of Deck of Secrets fame, as our new iPhone app reviewer. She is a self-confessed iPhone junkie, with well over 250 apps on her iPhone, so she’s well qualified to give you the inside running. First up: the productivity app, Instapaper.

Website of the Week: Deck of Secrets on the iPhone

A few months back, Matthews teamed up with software developer Shaun Ervive to turn the Deck of Secrets guides into iPhone applications.

Tunnel Talk: Start the press!

While mainstream print media circulation figures decline, niche publications continue to sprout from nowhere like mushrooms in a sodden field. As long as there is an audience, publishers will keep churning out the content. We asked three independent publishing entrepreneurs how they seized their patch of turf.
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Five essential ingredients for a humming homepage with James Tuckerman [FREE...

Most homepages dedicate too much of their valuable space to predictable and generally unhelpful information, such as the purpose of the business, their products and services, their achievements and needy invitations to ‘buy, buy, buy’ or ‘contact us for a free consultation on no obligation quote’. Effective homepages focus on the needs and wants of the customer.



Plenty of recruitment agencies have tallied the numbers and found that the average dud hire will cost an organisation between $50,000 and $70,000, factoring...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...