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Tag: media coverage

This is exactly why I choose to embrace business competition… and you should too!

It was scary and exciting to do something no one else was doing. But then some other people got the same idea and suddenly there were a few people doing the same thing. But rather than freaking out and holding all my cards close to my chest – I celebrated.

The only three ways to get media coverage. (Seriously, there are no other, excluding...

This week, I've been resting and recouperating from a fierce flu. It couldn't have come at a worse time. My clever, articulate and erudite editor,...

Sammartino and Liubinskas discuss startup momentum

A couple of weeks ago Pollenizer's Mick Liubinskas put in a video call to Rentoid's Steve Sammartino to pick his brain about the concept of startup momentum. Fortunately, Mick recorded it for the benefit of us all. Watch Steve discuss his views on the important role iteration plays in emerging businesses.

Australian businesses plead… ‘Trust me’

One way to insulate your business from the broader fluctuations of the economy is to build customer trust. Here are some ideas to get you started...

Marketing: Writing a winning media release

Writing a winning media release So, your media release didn’t get published. The first question you should ask yourself is – is it newsworthy? Publicity is...
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How to pitch sales and marketing ideas to your boss with...

If you work in sales and marketing, part of your job is to demonstrate your value. In fact, this is a universal rule in any workplace. So, how do you get the attention of your immediate boss – team leaders, sales managers, marketing direc-tors, the CEO or even the Board – to, ultimately, make your ideas happen? Check out this FREE REPORT



New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...