Tag: How to…
Nine tips to help you get paid more this year than you did last...
As you are rapidly settling in to 2015, now nearly a quarter of the way through, you are probably thinking “how can this year...
I’ve been doing it wrong for so many years! You probably have been too...
What have I been doing wrong? Coiling cables.
Last week, I was coiling up my laptop cable after a meeting and an engineering type grimaced...
How to increase your customers desire to buy… by 60%. Get physical!
Albert Einstein may have said “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, however, modern western society still tends to value what can actually be ‘seen’ (in the physical sense) more highly than ‘un-materialised’ ideas or visions alone. This raises a very important question: “How can we leverage the power of the ‘physical’ to raise our own or your product's perceived value, so you can sell more, charge more and ‘become’ a key influencer within your marketplace?”
Five tips for building a website on a budget
No matter how much we understand and agree that great web design and development does not come cheap (nor should it), most start-ups and small businesses simply do not have thousands of dollars to spend on marketing -- no matter how much they might want to. Here are five tips that business owners can use to save money when building their business website.
How to see opportunities that your competitors think are stupid. Do you suffer from...
If you have ever asked yourself, ‘Why didn’t I see that?', you were experiencing an example of ‘Weak Signal Theory’. We are constantly bombarded with ‘weak signals’. Some of them are genuinely weak, while others are weak because our brain has suppressed them. This automatic filtering of information is quite natural and designed to prevent sensory overload. But it also means that we often overlook opportunities.
How to write a business plan on a postcard
When attempting to understand 'how to write a business plan' it is often better to first ask, 'What is a business plan anyway?'
How to… change your life (part #2)
For this part of our Magazine 2.0 Experiment, we are looking for real, personal stories on the topics below. Would you like to share...
How to… change your life!
Anthill's 'Magazine 2.0' edition will be circulating throughout Australia during the December/January period - often aptly described as the 'silly season'.
But the holiday period...