Tag: government grants
Eligible but unaware: Are you one of 7 in 10 Aussie businesses missing out...
70 per cent of Aussie companies that are eligible for government grants are unaware or simply do not know how to go about accessing the funding available
Did you make a submission to Commercialisation Australia? Now what?
With the news that Commercialisation Australia (CA) is being axed in the 2014 Budget, what happens to businesses that had made an application prior...
Seven things you probably didn’t know about accessing Government funds
Did you know that there are over 600 government grants and other types of assistance available to your business? Or, that much of the...
Federal Government just “reshuffling the deck cards” on grant funding?
Amidst the heated rhetoric over taxes and the best way to achieve a surplus, one area of the budget may be getting overlooked: grants. According to one agency, "the budget seems to be a reshuffling exercise aimed at incurring no additional expense. Even programs cut last budget are counted as savings again, without much to replace them."
Three reasons to choose R&D tax money over grant money
Generally, in Australia, there are two main types of government funds available: Government Grants and Research and Development Tax Breaks. There can be a lot of appeal in trying to access Government Grants. However, if I had to pick a government funding program for my business, I know which one I would choose: R&D Tax Breaks. Here's why.
Can you sue your accountant for failure to claim R&D tax breaks? The answer...
Who should we blame when we find out that we’ve missed the boat on hundreds of thousands of dollars in guaranteed government R&D funding? Ourselves? The Government? Or our Accountant? In other words, who has the responsibility and duty of care to ensure we make our R&D tax claim at tax time?
Busting the 7th Myth of Commercialisation Australia: It’s not about the money!
Both good and ill sentiments have been shared about Commercialisation Australia since its launch in early 2010. Recently, Adrian Spencer pinpointed six myths about CA. But are we overlooking the benefits of the competitive process by dwelling on the shortcomings? Andrew Weller thinks so. Here, he argues that the point of CA isn’t merely to fund good ideas but to encourage strong business models that withstand the rigours of competition.
$64M Federal investment ‘survival’ pool for promising early-stage Australian companies
Last Thursday the Federal Government announced that 11 fund managers had been named to oversee investment of $64 million into promising early-stage Australian companies under the Innovation Investment Follow-On Fund (IIFF).
$64M Federal investment 'survival' pool for promising early-stage Australian companies
Last Thursday the Federal Government announced that 11 fund managers had been named to oversee investment of $64 million into promising early-stage Australian companies under the Innovation Investment Follow-On Fund (IIFF).