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Tag: Ernst & Young

Who said doing good as a business has to stop you from raking in...

Melbourne-based online publisher, Pro Bono Australia is emerging as the go-to guide for socially - and financially - savvy organisations and individuals

Australian Silicon Valley? Innovation Week aims to build a tech sector in the Bega...

Australia’s first Regional Innovation Week (April 27 - May 3) is aiming to drive to 1000 tech sector jobs for the Bega Valley by 2030

One10 invests seed funding in a health-tech start-up tackling Australia’s rising obesity problem

One10 has accepted healthtech start-up Health Delivered as the first participant in its Social Accelerator and made a undisclosed amount of seed funding

Are you a social start-up? This Melbourne entrepreneur has launched an incubator and accelerator...

Global social entrepreneur, Geoff Gourley, recently launched One10, a new national incubator and accelerator for social enterprise, HQ in Melbourne

Web developers will love this tech start-up’s fresh approach to website performance

Web tech start-up section.io added innovative new features to its globally distributed, caching and security platform for better security and functionality

Australia’s economy needs fixing, your business needs funding and this new start-up has the...

PwC’s The World in 2050 report predicts that the Australian economy will drop from its current rank of 19 to 29 by the middle...

How I intend to shake up the publishing industry while giving millions to my...

As a self-employed person, I spend a lot amount of time in cafes. I prefer working in cafes since I’m surrounded by noise and...

DesignCrowd’s Alec Lynch is the 2014 Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year in the Eastern...

Alec Lynch, the founder and CEO of DesignCrowd, was recently named Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year in the Eastern Region by Ernst & Young. While working as a...

Media takes heart from mobiles and emerging markets

Over the past decade, the media, notably print publishers and television companies, have struggled to come to terms with the onslaught of the Internet. What changed this doom and gloom? The consumerisation of IT, in the form of smartphones and tablets. Devices led by the iPhone and iPad have led to mass adoption, and additionally enabled a variety of payment options.

What makes an entrepreneur? Ernst & Young takes a stab [REPORT: Nature or Nurture:...

According to Ernst & Young, there is no entrepreneur gene. However, many do possess certain characteristics that have proven vital to their success. For its report titled Nature or Nurture: Decoding the Entrepreneur, business advisory behemoth Ernst & Young surveyed 685 entrepreneurs from all over the world and interviewed winners of its Entrepreneur of the Year award.

Franklyn Scholar, an Anthill Cool Company, honoured again for entrepreneurship

We so enjoy seeing winners of Anthill awards receive accolades elsewhere. Not that we're surprised, of course. It's simply gratifying to see other arbiters of business acumen rise to our level of discernment and taste. And so it is for Ernst & Young, which recently announced its Entrepreneur of the Year Southern region awards.

Tania de Jong talks about how her grandmother patented the foldable umbrella (then lost...

Two remarkable things happened at the launch of Creative Innovation 2010. Firstly, a senior representative from a leading Australian bank told an endearing story about her early successes outside the banking sector. (It's a rare thing to be won over by a representative from the Australian banking sector.) Secondly, conference organiser Tania de Jong, surprised the crowd with a story about her grandmother's inventiveness... before bursting into song.

Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award Australia 2010

The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards is one of the most prestigious awards for business in Australia. The purpose of the Entrepreneur of the Year award is to recognize excellence in entrepreneurial achievement and business leadership. Established internationally twenty-four years ago, The Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year contest is currently held in over 50 different countries.

Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award Australia 2010

The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards is one of the most prestigious awards for business in Australia. The purpose of the Entrepreneur of the Year award is to recognize excellence in entrepreneurial achievement and business leadership. Established internationally twenty-four years ago, The Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year contest is currently held in over 50 different countries.

Carsales.com founder named E&Y 2009 Entrepreneur Of The Year

Greg Roebuck, founder and CEO of online automotive classified advertising platform carsales.com, was last night named the Ernst & Young 2009 Australian Entrepreneur Of The Year at an awards ceremony held in Sydney.

Carsales.com founder named E&Y 2009 Entrepreneur Of The Year

Greg Roebuck, founder and CEO of online automotive classified advertising platform carsales.com, was last night named the Ernst & Young 2009 Australian Entrepreneur Of The Year at an awards ceremony held in Sydney.

Ant Bytes — AA10

Bill Delves is a partner with Ernst & Young and head of the firms Emerging Growth Markets Group. He is also national leader of...
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Three easy wins when using LinkedIn with David Hobson [FREE REPORT]

"If you’re pressed for time, I'm here to help." In this report, David Hobson will show you three quick wins - things you can do to pimp out your LinkedIn profile in 15 minutes or less.


Five essential things to get right if you want to raise...

So you’ve got a brilliant idea, or maybe you’ve even started building your nascent business, but you think it might help to bring on some extra money. You try to raise the money, but wherever you go it seems there are roadblocks and challenges, and it’s difficult to know where to start. To help tackle this tricky tropic, we interviewed Bryan Vadas. He’s the founder of iPledg (Australia’s leading crowdfunding platform for creative, commercial, charitable and community projects) and Capital Exchange Australia (an education and funding platform for startups).


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...