Tag: employee motivation
How to keep your employees motivated in this modern age where money alone is...
Getting the best out of your employees is essential to the success of your business but gone are the days when you could just throw more cash at them
This surprising truth about what motivates us is exactly what you need to get...
Can you imagine hiring greatly talented employees, convincing them to work for free, and then releasing your product to the masses for free?
Well it's...
People quit managers, not jobs [It’s not them, it’s you]
A study of hospital workers conducted by Chilterns University College in the UK found that nurses working for hospital supervisors with poor management styles had significantly higher blood pressure than nurses working for bosses judged as understanding and considerate. As a result, the nurses with bad bosses had a roughly 20 percent higher risk of heart disease. Are you giving your employees heart attacks?
What’s wrong with the people you’re working with?
Most employees can’t articulate the business mission statement. They don’t know what the business is trying to achieve. They come in every day and work in their own little world. Oh yes, and whose fault is that?
Do you have engaged employees or clock-watchers (or worse)?
Employee engagement is a measure of what people are thinking and feeling when they arrive at work in the morning — which in turn determines how much effort they’re prepared to invest in their work.
So is your company being driven forward by capable and enthusiastic soldiers? Or has it become a gathering station for apathetic or conspiratorial clock-watchers?