Tag: digital disruption
Engineering meets the law: How 3D printing could affect the Australian patent system
Like any disruptive technology, the advent of 3D printing technology also raises many legal questions in the area of intellectual property. Understanding the legal issues surrounding 3D printing is more important than ever.
What is the impact of disruption – both digital and physical – on international...
Thanks to digital disruption the world is getting smaller and global customers more accessible. Global e-commerce sales are growing at 20% per annum and are forecast to reach US$2 trillion in 2016. This will double to US$4 trillion by 2020.
A new book looks at how Aussie companies can survive (and also thrive) in...
Tech lawyer Nick Abrahams' book, Digital Disruption in Australia looks at how companies can not only survive but also thrive in the next digital generation
Here comes yet another ASX reverse takeover as Rision aims to disrupt the recruitment...
Contingent workforce solutions provider, Rision, is seeking a $4 million plus funding boost to accelerate growth of its patented mobile recruitment and HR platform...
Traditional firms need to respond faster to digital disruptors… not with lawsuits though
Disruption from digital disruptive intermediaries such as iTunes, Uber and Airbnb often emerges slowly, yet incumbent firms do not respond swiftly enough, according to...
Australians continue their love affair with finance app Pocketbook as it clocks 100,000 users
Finance app Pocketbook has reached the impressive milestone of 100,000 users in Australia following six months of some really rapid growth.
These guys are on...
Did you hear the one about the tortoise and the guinea pig? [VIDEO]
No, not the tortoise and the hare. That's all about being slow and steady to win the race.
This one is about the tortoise and...
Digital disruption: 50% of Aussie economy on short fuse, 2/3rds face big bang
Digital disruption continues its inexorable march in many newer ways, and in many cases might even be gaining further pace. That, as much as the fact that most research has ducked estimating the “projected magnitude of disruption,” has led Deloitte to come up with a sweeping study (“Digital disruption – Short fuse, big bang?) of digital disruption on the Australian economy as a whole, not to mention individual sectors