Tag: Cancer
It’s payback time. A very interesting ad for an important fund raising exercise [VIDEO]
Wow. This is a two-minute video that comes across as an intriguing short film.
At a time where ebola is running rampant in Africa, the...
Will this 16 year old genius raise $10 million and be able to change...
Meet Jack Andraka. When he was 16 he set out to change the world.
He invented a way to detect early stage pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic...
Scientist? Entrepreneur? This teenager is doing amazing things to change the world [VIDEO]
"The more you know, the more you wonder." - Brittany Wenger
Doesn't that sound like the driving spirit behind every entrepreneur, ever?
Most 17 year olds...
Can quinoa save your mate’s life? Possibly an almond milk latte? [VIDEO]
This is yet another cracking campaign from a non-profit. We've had many of late, and it's great to see such creativity, humour and engagement from this sector.
What are the odds you’ll be an astronaut? One in 13.2 million, but you’ve...
Your chances of being an astronaut may be one in 13.2 million. The chances of getting cancer in your life time are one in two for men, and one in three for women. At Anthill HQ we are particularly cancer aware. Our own James Tuckerman had an early stage melanoma detected last year.