Tag: books
How I intend to shake up the publishing industry while giving millions to my...
As a self-employed person, I spend a lot amount of time in cafes. I prefer working in cafes since I’m surrounded by noise and...
Meet The Messenger Group, Anthill 2012 Cool Company Award Finalist [Micro Business Category]
The Messenger Group was started in 2001 by (drum roll please!) Lisa Messenger. The fatefully named CEO had decided to write a book and donate the proceeds. Realising a shortcoming in the Australian publishing offerings, Messenger found a way to fuse corporate sponsorship and publishing, ultimately getting her book funded.
A new lease of life: the secret life of books [VIDEO]
Ok, so books may be so 2004. But there is something about walking into a bookstore that can be intoxicating. This video was put together by a small team of staff and volunteers that support a single-store bookshop, Type Books in Toronto, Canada. Its elegant choreography and music make it mesmerising viewing.
Alice In Wonderland on the iPad looks… enchanting
The iPad's lack of eye-friendly e-ink (found in specialised e-readers such as the Kindle or Sony Reader) has prompted many adult observers to conclude that it is not a serious reading device. But try telling your kids that it's unsuitable for reading once they've seen this clip of Alice In Wonderland on the iPad.