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Need to raise capital? How your start-up can use crowdfunding to get off the...

The biggest mistake you can make when pitching your company to a crowdfunding platform is to over-value your company. A good business idea is a powerful thing but without funding it will likely come to nothing. So don’t make the mistake of assuming the idea is worth more than the funding that will make it a reality.
Bryan Vadas

Obama has talked the start-uptalk. But Australia has walked the start-up walk

Australia has the world’s most comprehensive experience in broad-scale crowd sourced equity funding, with businesses successfully raising almost $150mil to date.

SelfWealth, the start-up with a $1.6 million dollar smile!

The funds were raised in four rounds starting March 26, 2012. The initial shares were offered at 3 cents but by round four, they were going for over three times that at 10 cents. All in all, 21 investors participated in the raising including two senior figures in the SMSF and accountancy fields: Ron Lesh and Peter Jones.

Where to go for capital? The options, the rules, the requirements for each

You’ve decided to offer equity in your company to investors in order to grow your business — but what’s the next step you need to take? In the third of this six-part series on raising capital, corporate advisor Dr Mark Rainbird discusses the avenues you have to distribute your offer to interested parties.

ASSOB Early-stage Capital Raising Process and Platform (SMART 100)

The purpose of this innovation is to efficiently and effectively raise capital for early-stage businesses needing growth capital. This is done by increasing the competence of those seeking capital and matching them to those with capital to invest.

ASSOB’s five-million-dollar resurrection a positive sign for capital seekers

The Australian Small Scale Offerings Board, the National Stock Exchange's largest capital-raising platform for showcasing unlisted companies for investors, posted a $186,000 profit for the fiscal year ended June 30, coming from a loss of $4.8 million the year previously.

Diary of an entrepreneur raising capital: The ‘Claytons’ Stock Market

When I embarked on my current search for new funding, I thought I was familiar with most of the likely sources: friends (relatives and fools), angels, angels with teeth - Venture Capital (VC), strategic investors (the Holy Grail), an IPO or Lotto. But it turned out there was one I wasn’t aware of...

Diary of an entrepreneur raising capital: The 'Claytons' Stock Market

When I embarked on my current search for new funding, I thought I was familiar with most of the likely sources: friends (relatives and fools), angels, angels with teeth - Venture Capital (VC), strategic investors (the Holy Grail), an IPO or Lotto. But it turned out there was one I wasn’t aware of...
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Generating Web Traffic with Mark Middo and James Tuckerman [FREE REPORT]

Not all websites are created equal. That’s the first – and perhaps harshest – lesson when venturing into the ever evolving world of online marketing. Websites don’t draw visitors just by existing; they require love, attention and an understanding of how search engines think. In this Cheat Sheet, Anthill Magazine’s James Tuckerman and guest Mark “Middo” Middleton share their combined wisdom on generating web traffic for new and old websites.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...