If you’re a loyal Anthillian who has successfully conquered the curse of procrastination, please move along to another site post. This one, for instance. Go ahead. We’ll wait.
OK, those of you still here know what a delicious temptation procrastination can be — a time-killing pastry with delectableness directly proportional to the guilt you feel later. Oh, the lamentations over work undone, lists unmade, deadlines unmet.
(Yes, I confess to blowing 15 minutes updating my Farmville property and checking my Twitter feed before buckling down to start this post.)
The problem can be particularly acute in Australia, where our laid-back lifestyle (this is what everyone else says about us, right?) can be mistaken for a lack of time management. Face it, we have too many fine distractions…. like beaches, Kylie Minogue and this guy.
But fear not. A rescue from chronic I’ll-do-it-tomorrows is just a click away. Enter Charlie McDonnell, a young Londoner who (get this) gets paid to make YouTube videos. In this clip, he does a serviceable job of describing why we procrastinate and then offers some usable tips.
And he manages to be enjoyably punny along the way.
So. Watch. Now.