Home ANTHILL TV Pimp your bike with LED wheel lights

Pimp your bike with LED wheel lights


The last few years have seen a dramatic increase in bicycle sales for use as a greener mode of transport, for fitness and also for pleasure. For many, accessorising your trusty two wheel steed is generally the next step to having forked out a small fortune on the bike itself.

If you want to make a real statement when riding from A to B, then the Monkeylectric video pro is for you.

Credited as the world’s first full-colour video display on rotating wheels, the Video Pro uses cutting edge LED technology on four spokes that can fit in to any standard wheel to exhibit both stabilised images and video. Media can be transferred for display wirelessly and can be controlled by a large stored playlist.

It will not be long, no doubt, before advertisers pick up on this and our bike paths become crowded with cyclists ‘earning’ their way to work.