A new type of business leader has emerged, combining the analytical skills of a market research boffin, the irrepressible flair of a marketing maven and the hard-headed smarts of an industry boss. Could it be you?
Learn the secret skills of the growth hacker to get more leads, make more sales and generally have more fun online.
BONUS: Tools to get leads and build rapport
James Tuckerman is one of Australia’s most successful digital publishers. He’s an entrepreneur, angel investor, growth hacker for hire and professional speaker.
He is best known for launching Anthill Magazine, in 2003, from the spare bedroom of his parents’ home. He was then 26 years of age. In 2004 and 2005, he was named Best Small Publisher in Australia by the ABA (now Publishers Australia).
In early 2009, he reinvented the Anthill business model, abandoning its print origins in favour of a 100% digital product. Within six-months, AnthillOnline.com was listed by Nielsen Online Ratings among the Top 50 Business & Finance websites in Australia (https://anthillonline.com/about-us/).
Since then, he has launched numerous digital ventures and helped other companies, large and small, make the transition online or helped them significantly improve their online commercial outcomes. His specialty is helping organisations build automated processes to advance their online marketing and sales strategies. (i.e. Sell more stuff, to more people, more often, for more margin… online… in an endless loop.)
He is a widely sought after professional speaker, tackling topics associated with social media, technology trends and online marketing.