Whitney Houston once said, “I believe the children are our future.”
It was a daft sentiment. (Of course the children are our future! Blimey.)
But, then, she said, “Teach them well and let them lead the way.”
And she was right.
Watch how this kid is already leading others.
What’s all this about?
Startup Weekend Brisbane… For Kids!
Do you have a child aged between 8 and 12? Do you have friends with kids keen to exercise their entrepreneurial muscles?
You know that entrepreneurship training for young people didn’t exist when you and I were growing up. But I bet you wish that wasn’t so.
This is your chance to support an amazing initiative and introduce our keen young minds to concepts and lessons that are usually neglected.
What’s a Startup Weekend? [CLICK HERE]
Over two days, aspiring entrepreneurs pitch their own ideas, form teams, start validating their concepts and take the first steps toward launching an actual product or service. It’s not just training… it’s doing.
It’s a structured and practical training program to stress test ideas and help aspiring business builders actually get started.
This is the first time that the Startup Weekend model has been adapted for kids in Australia. And today is your chance to get involved.
WHEN: Friday, September 12 – 14, 2014
WHERE: Microsoft Innovation Centre, Level 28, 400 George Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000
To get involved click this link.
Use the coupon code ANTHILL when promoted to score a special surprise.
P.S. If you don’t have kids, please share this post. It’s everybody’s job to change the culture of Australia. There’s no point just singing about it. Click here or share this message.