This SMART 100 profile and the information it contains is a duplication of content submitted by the applicant during the entry process. As a function of entry, applicants were required to declare that all details are factually correct, do not infringe on another’s intellectual property and are not unlawful, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Some profiles have been edited for reasons of space and clarity.
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This innovation initially came to life when…
Two Directors of Adactin Group noticed an opportunity to create a network of potential professional candidates which provides cash benefits to the registered candidates when they get hired. They created an innovative application with a services model (franchise-based recruiter) to connect Recruiter with a pool of registered candidates. We have an Australian Patent (#2014259569) filed for this innovative application and its services model.
The purpose of this innovation is to…
…build a system where candidates earn redeemable points if selected for job. Also candidates earn points if they refer additional candidates into the Job Network. eJobtree connects recruiters (eJobtree Franchises) with a huge pool of resources within the system.
It does this by…
eJobTree Portal is based on number of “inventive algorithms” including resume “screening algorithm”, “Job flash algorithm”, skill assessment score (SAS) algorithm, and “points distribution algorithm”. The combination of these innovative algorithms makes the eJobTree a unique and differentiated solution in the marketplace. The commission made on accomplishing the need of employer is distributed between candidate, recruiter and portal.
This innovation improves on what came before because…
…traditional recruitment portals only advertise jobs and then the candidate must contact the recruiter. But candidates receive no benefit apart from potentially getting a job. Also, there are benefits from the network the candidate has which can be used to build better a database of potential candidates. eJobTree earns points for recruited candidates as well for people in their network.
Its various benefits to the customer/end-user include…
It allows candidates to earn points redeemable for cash. For the recruiters, it is beneficial to have the candidates (in the database who are) rated (according to their skills) to help them choose a candidate fast on demand.
In the past, this problem was solved by…
This is an innovative service model with no predecessors.
Its predecessors/competitors include…
Key competitors are traditional job sites like and But eJobtree is quite different from them as these sites are primarily driven by job advertisements whereas eJobTree works with pre-registered and qualified candidates connect with recruiters.
It is made for…
1. All Professionals who are looking for jobs in the market within Australia (all cities). Currently our major focus is on Information Technology professionals (all fields like programmers, testers, project managers etc.) but we are scaling up the system to support other jobs like Sales Managers, Accountants, Administrators, Teachers etc.
2. Franchise recruiters who will have access to complete candidate database.
It is available for sale through…
Candidates can register online for free at Recruiters can register as franchises after paying mandated fees.
Our marketing strategy is to…
…increase our visibility through networking, invites sent by our current registered candidates. We are also marketing through social media, career expos and print media.
FINE PRINT: This SMART 100 profile and the information it contains is a duplication of content submitted by the applicant during the entry process. As a function of entry, applicants were required to declare that all details are factually correct, do not infringe on another’s intellectual property and are not unlawful, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Some profiles have been edited for reasons of space and clarity.