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Cookie or cream? A physicist sets out to separate the lovers from the haters of OREOs [VIDEO]


A man. A plan. And, possibly a hatchet.

I have to admit, I don’t get the separating of OREOs. But, I do know people who like to scrape the cream from the cookie after they have twisted the two sections apart. Gross? Yes. But apparently, this is not uncommon.

And, if there’s one thing that science likes to do, it’s to prove that things are not uncommon. Then, create a machine that does the work for you.

In this case, the ‘work’ is separating OREOs.

Just know that someone, in a cold workshop in Oregon, there’s a bloke named Dave, with a hatchet, and he’s working to solve this most important problem: how to easily separate the cookie from the cream. And, he’s not alone.

In the pursuit of perfection Physicist Dave made some big sacrifices. Sometimes, he didn’t get to see his girlfriend for hours at a time. And, do you know how hard it is to find a decent sandwich on the outskirts of town?

I love science!

OREO Separator Machine #1 – Creator: Physicist David Neevel