Following the meteoric rise of video viewing on social media networks in recent years, Brightcove has surveyed 5,500 global consumers in the UK, France, Germany, US and Australia to establish the effect of social media video content on consumer engagement and behaviour.
The research asked respondents about their experiences with social video content, examining their changing engagement habits and preferences, in order to ascertain how branded social video in particular is driving, or has the potential to drive, behaviours across the buying cycle. The data points below highlight findings specific to the 500 Australian consumers surveyed.
Social video consumption
● Australian consumers watch an average of 51 minutes of social video a day – that’s over 6 hours a week
● Almost three quarters (73%) say that the amount they watch has increased in the last twelve months – and seven in ten (70%) expect this to continue rising over the next year
● Over half (51%) of Australian consumers’ social video viewing time is spent on YouTube, (37%) on Facebook and the remaining 11% is split across sites including Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram
● The most popular social video content types are music videos (53% watch), user generated content (54% watch) and film trailers (49% watch)
● The most common ways Australian consumers discover video content on social media are scrolling through their newsfeeds (70%), when it is shared by someone on their network (52%) and when they actively look for it (42%)
Social video engagement and action
● Facebook is the platform on which Australian consumers are most likely to ‘like’ (44%) and share (40%) a good social video
● After watching a good brand video, Australian consumers ‘like’ almost one in every two (48%) times they watch, share 41% or click through 40% of the time and comment on them 29% of the time
● Poor branded videos on social media leave almost three in ten (29%) Australian consumers feeling less likely to consider becoming a customer or making a purchase, and 28% more likely to unfollow or unsubscribe to future content from the same brand
Branded video content engagement and preferences
● 83% of Australian consumers currently interact with brands on social media – with a quarter (26%) doing so always or often. Of this number…
- 47% watch branded video
- 50% read brand posts on their newsfeeds
- 36% are fans of brand pages
● Eight in ten (81%) agree that video is the easiest way to get to know a brand online
● A third (32%) say video is their number one choice of branded content on social media
Social video conversion
● The vast majority (90%) of consumers recognise when a brand video on social media is encouraging them to take an action, such as make a purchase
● 76% of Australian consumers say there is a connection between watching a video on social media and their purchasing decision making process
● 48% have actually made a purchase as a result of watching a branded video one social media – another third (34%) have considered doing so
● Australian consumers identified the following qualities as contributing to their purchase
- Provided the right level of information on the brand/product (61%)
- Relevant to their interests (56%)
- Was memorable/stuck in their mind (36%)
● Irrelevant (48%), overly promotional (37%), and too intrusive content (28%) are the most likely reasons consumers are discouraged from making a purchase after watching a branded social video
Opportunities to improve
● The majority (84%) report improvements brands could make to video delivery on social media, including faster loading video (48%), less buffering (42%) and better quality video (39%)
● A similar proportion (85%) believe improvements could be made to video content on social media, including more engaging (49%) and more relevant (47%) content