What’s a community without a general store — a place to shop and sell?
Antmart has arrived! It’s a place for Anthill readers to promote, sell and buy products and services for business builders.
To visit Antmart, click here.
What is Antmart?
Antmart is an Australian group buying website developed by the makers of Anthill Magazine specifically for Australian BUSINESS owners.
Each week, we promote a small number of deals — from stationary, software and hardware to event tickets, online learning tools and other products and services all designed to help a BUSINESS grow!
All these deals are HEAVILY DISCOUNTED.
Sometimes our deals are available at a rate up to 85% off the advertised cost of the product or service.
We can achieve these massive discounts by offering the deal only after a certain number of people have agreed to purchase. Antmart sources deals from suppliers of business and products and services throughout Australia.
We guarantee these suppliers a minimum number of sales. In return, they are able to offer amazing discounts — from 30% to 85%!
When a minimum number of people buy the deal, everyone gets the discount!
See: How it works.