This SMART 100 profile and the information it contains is a duplication of content submitted by the applicant during the entry process. As a function of entry, applicants were required to declare that all details are factually correct, do not infringe on another’s intellectual property and are not unlawful, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Some profiles have been edited for reasons of space and clarity.
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This innovation initially came to life when…
We sold our pharmacy and launched Willby’s Wind and Colic Mix with an advice and support service for mums of colicky babies wrapped around the product. 40% of newborn babies (over 300,000 babies are born in Australia annually!) will exhibit the painful symptoms of colic and our mix is different to anything currently commercially available. It is an unpreserved natural herbal product made fresh for every baby and only supplied after an in depth consultation between a mum and our pharmacist to determine that the baby has colic and that the mix will be suitable for the baby.
The purpose of this innovation is to…
change the lives of Australian mums whose newborn babies are suffering the debilitating effects of colic. These babies may cry for hours and normal calming methods simply do not work and the babies and mums are both exhausted.
It does this by…
settling the wind bubbles in the baby’s tummy, counteracting the acid and relaxing the muscles that cause the griping bowel pains that prevent peaceful sleep. Our formula is a unique blend of herbal ingredients that produces an incredibly high percentage of improvement in colic symptoms.
This innovation improves on what came before because…
the formulation is unlike anything else currently available and the products off the pharmacy shelf may help tummy wind but are of little use in colic. Also we provide an advice platform where mums can call us to discuss their baby’s condition and how we can add extra help. It is the relationship that settles mum’s concerns!
Its various benefits to the customer/end-user include…
…a calm and happy baby that sleeps and therefore the exhausted mums can catch up on some much needed sleep! This changes lives and it changes families. It is very hard to bond with a constantly crying baby!
In the past, this problem was solved by…
…nursing the baby almost 24 hours a day. In the past mums would administer lemon juice or boiled water to try to ease the baby’s symptoms. Even the Royal Children’s hospital website states there is no known cure for colic but we know differently!
Its predecessors/competitors include…
…commercially available “”baby wind products”” or homeopathic colic products which do not deliver the very positive results that Willby’s achieves. There are baby chiropractors that try to improve colic and baby sleep consultants that can try to achieve sleep results.
It is made for…
…all new mums with unsettled babies exhibiting symptoms of wind, colic and reflux – 40% of newborn babies -and the latest research shows that this can be a high as 70% after a Caesarian birth. Over 300,000 babies are born annually in Australia and over 75,000 in Victoria so the target market is huge!
It is available for sale through…
…our pharmacy in Croydon Victoria and online. It can be express posted anywhere in Australia or overseas on occasion. However, due to pharmacy regulations governing one of the ingredients we must conduct a phone consultation before the first supply.
Our marketing strategy is to…
…spread the word via Facebook, landing pages, website, LinkedIn and educational opportunities with all health professionals within the neonatal space. We also exhibit at conferences held within the same space. We collect and publish testimonials from grateful mums who are also responsible for increased sales through word of mouth and mummy blogs.
FINE PRINT: This SMART 100 profile and the information it contains is a duplication of content submitted by the applicant during the entry process. As a function of entry, applicants were required to declare that all details are factually correct, do not infringe on another’s intellectual property and are not unlawful, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. Some profiles have been edited for reasons of space and clarity.