On Wednesday, applications will close for Anthill’s 2011 30under30 awards.
Given the high number of polite and cautiously curious enquiries we’ve received so far, about the types and volume of entries for this year’s program, we decided to offer the following sneak preview.
Obviously, it would be unfair to name names. (And quite impossible because we haven’t even begun judging.) So, instead, here are some top-line statistical observations about the types of people entering.
Where are the women?!
Are there fewer female than male entrepreneurs in Australia? Or are women just less likely to blow their own trumpets? So, far less than 25% of entries have come from women.
We could dedicate an entire article bemoaning and hypothesising over the fact.
But we feel it more productive to simply say, “Attention female entrepreneurs! Get your skates on. You have until 5pm on Wednesday to apply.”
Seriously, if you are an under-30 female entrepreneur or know of another worthy contender, nominate them now.
Serial entrepreneurship is almost the norm.
Over 49% of entrants (as of noon on Monday 18 July) have launched more than one business.
This warms the cockles of our Anthillian hearts. Serial entrepreneurship, you’d think, takes time.
But these young guns are starting early, finding success or failing quickly, then doing it again.
The talent is geographically diverse… kinda.
While VIC and NSW applicants dominate the entry pool (38.3% and 35.5% respectively), the other states also represent a strong showing — WA, in particular, is flying its entrepreneurial flag high.
However, we might have expected to see more entrants from SA, ACT and TAS. South Australia is a hotbed of innovation and both Tasmania and the ACT are real up-and-comers in the digital economy. (We know this because we receive your media releases.)
So, once again, if you know of anyone from an under-represented corner of Australia who would benefit from this national accolade, push them forward by way of nomination. (They’ll always remember you for it.)
Most young entrepreneurs don’t go it alone
One final observation is that almost two thirds of applicants are involved in a venture in partnership with others (61.7%).
This is also an encouraging trend.
Our entrants are leveraging the experience of older people or are co-opting other young business builders to pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions. Either way, it’s good news.
Furthermore, 1.9% of applicants work for someone else, as intrapreneurs — another important trend worth fostering.
Bring it on Australia! And we look forward to publishing the full results in August.
If you have not yet submitted you application to the 30under30, click here. If you would to nominate someone else, click here. Applications close Wednesday 20 July 2011, at 5pm.