Tag: young entrepreneurs’ night out
Young Entrepreneurs hit Sydney… The Video
In this clip, we asked guests of our Sydney event what piece of advice offered by our panel of young entrepreneurs was most memorable. Some of these mini-interviews were conducted early in the evening. Others... a tad later (after draining the bar tab). No points for guessing which mini-interviews took place when.
Australian innovation lets the people of PNG pay for electricity using mobile phone credits...
The rapid adoption of this service highlights the suitability of mobile payment technology in developing countries, which often do not have access to the same payment methods and services available in developed markets. It also highlights a trend that Australian software and application developers best not ignore.
Does brokepacker.com deserve to be our website-of-the-week?
According to the brokepacker.com founder Kevin Lippy, backpackers are only interested in three things: "Beer, sex and cheap deals." And he should know. Last month, we quoted another of Kevin's 'off-the-cuff' remarks as a Tequila Shot when he described his recent achievement moving into a youth hostel as a form of career advancement. (Of course, his goal was to gain a better understanding of his audience.)
Young Entrepreneurs’ Night Out. It’s baaaaaack! (But slightly different.)
Two months ago, we trialled an event in Sydney called our Young Entrepreneurs' Night Out. The premise was simple; Create a networking event for young entrepreneurs to mingle, learn from peers, drink some booze, make new friends and get inspired. It’s baaaaaack! (But slightly different.)
Young Entrepreneurs' Night Out. It's baaaaaack! (But slightly different.)
Two months ago, we trialled an event in Sydney called our Young Entrepreneurs' Night Out. The premise was simple; Create a networking event for young entrepreneurs to mingle, learn from peers, drink some booze, make new friends and get inspired. It’s baaaaaack! (But slightly different.)
Steak knives don’t come out for Young Entrepreneurship ‘concept’ event
Michael Fox of Shoes0fprey.com revealed his penchant for designing stilettos. Jeremy Levitt of PodProperty and Service Seeking proudly informed the crowd that he enjoys cold-calling. Kirsty Black of Halo Headphones explained why she turned down $500,000 and went sailing instead. Julie Sweet of Certificates Online shared inspiration from Buddha and explained what she'd do with five thousand.
Steak knives don't come out for Young Entrepreneurship 'concept' event
Michael Fox of Shoes0fprey.com revealed his penchant for designing stilettos. Jeremy Levitt of PodProperty and Service Seeking proudly informed the crowd that he enjoys cold-calling. Kirsty Black of Halo Headphones explained why she turned down $500,000 and went sailing instead. Julie Sweet of Certificates Online shared inspiration from Buddha and explained what she'd do with five thousand.