Tag: weight loss
Do you want to become the top dog in your business niche? Write a...
Almost three years ago, I had just become a life coach and niched into weight loss - hardly a unique industry. It soon dawned...
Summer is on the way, and while you huff and puff into shape once...
With summer right around the corner, it does not take a rocket scientist to predict that millions of Aussies will switch to weight-loss mode...
Wacky Websites: Wonder what you’d look like thinner? Just upload your photo.
ThinnerView.com doesn't promise to deliver you six-pack abs while you munch crisps on the couch watching trashy telly. It doesn't even promise to get you off the couch and into a gym. It invites you to upload a photo of your current self, then digital artists shave off the amount of kilos you wish to shed (2-50kgs) and you are sent the altered image - the thinner view of you - to pin on the wall and remind you of how much better you could look (fatty).
Wacky Websites: Wonder what you'd look like thinner? Just upload your photo.
ThinnerView.com doesn't promise to deliver you six-pack abs while you munch crisps on the couch watching trashy telly. It doesn't even promise to get you off the couch and into a gym. It invites you to upload a photo of your current self, then digital artists shave off the amount of kilos you wish to shed (2-50kgs) and you are sent the altered image - the thinner view of you - to pin on the wall and remind you of how much better you could look (fatty).