Tag: startup failure
Here are the 6 biggest reasons why startups fail and how you can avoid...
In fact, despite lofty ideals and best intentions, 90% of startups fail. That number shouldn’t scare you—it should alert you to the fact that there are many pitfalls and obstacles on the road to business success.
Startup failure rate and 80+ other startling statistics about startups [INFOGRAPHIC]
It takes guts, determination, and a healthy dose of wild optimism to attempt building a startup of your own. It also takes years of hard work. Despite all this, 70% won’t live to see their 10th birthday.
The top 10 lessons I learnt when my company collapsed
Thinking about starting up a business? Or are you in the middle of the ride of your life, totally focused on making you business a success? Take a moment to read this – it may save you from making some of the more common mistakes that entrepreneurs make. When my business collapsed last year, I learnt 10 things...