Tag: star trek
Vale Leonard Nimoy: an inspiration to entrepreneurs
Are all entrepreneurs Star Trek fans? Probably not.
But many are. Why?
Because Spock made it ok to be different. Nimoy's portrayal of Spock touched the...
Let it snow – the Star Trek version [VIDEO]
If you're a Star Trek fan, then this will be both amusing and enjoyable.
If not, watch it anyway.
Then, everyone can ponder this: how...
More Star Trek tech on its way! A medical tricorder is next
If you've ever watched any Star Trek, you'll know that its doctors, Bones, Bashir, Crusher and the rest, use a tricorder to obtain instant...
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. How far away are 3D printers that are really food...
Don't like to cook? Well, soon it may be possible to have your own Star Trek-esque food replicator in your kitchen.
NASA has recently funded...
This is the best car ad you will ever see. Fullstop. Ever. [VIDEO]
Audi have hit the jackpot with this ad. Not one, but two Mr Spocks. Awesome reaches a whole new level.
The reinvention of something is often even more awesome than the original creation [VIDEO]
Battlestar Galactica. Star Trek. Dr Who since the ninth Doctor. All these things made even more awesome since their reinvention. But a Justin Beiber song? Oh yes. Believe me, it's true!
To Boldly Go with Star Walk 6.0 [VIDEO]
Star Walk 6.0 brings augmented reality to stargazing, and it does it fairly awesomely. The iOS app lets user aim their device at the sky and presto – the screen is populated with the names of relevant stars in view, as well as complete cartography of the surrounding stellar area. In short: this is Star Trek, but for real.
Space, the final frontier. Has the Higgs boson made warp drives a possibility? [VIDEO]
I have to admit, I'm pleased that the Higgs boson is headline news around the world. Who would have thought that everyone would get so excited about science, about physics? So, why is this really so very cool? Not only is this discovery awesome, but it opens up a whole new world of invention.