Tag: social network
Social networking app Travello raises AUD$5 million to build the world’s largest online community...
Founded in 2015 by two footy mates from northern Queensland, Travello connects travellers from all corners of the globe, recommends experiences and allows users to browse and book more than 50,000 activities. The social networking app is currently used by more than 350,000 travellers in 180 countries. In July 2018 alone, Travello recorded 1.8M events on the Travello feed.
This startup risked all of its $1.67m revenue on a thought bubble, and it’s...
PoweredLocal is a Wi-Fi and social media marketing startup that helps connect small businesses to their customers. At it’s most basic level it gives customers access to free Wi-Fi in return for a check-in on Facebook or other social media platform.
This social network which has been endorsed by Richard Branson and Marina Abramovic has...
Ideapod, a social network designed specifically for capturing and sharing ideas in their purest form, has just launched in Australia. Co-founders Mark Bakacs and Justin Brown though based in the US are Australian.
Using Pinterest to engage your audience
Although Pinterest is a relatively new form of social media, it’s rapidly gaining ground. The [other] social network can be used to great effect as a way to engage your brand’s audience. Where Twitter is all about words, with Pinterest piccies matter.
Show Pony Fashion uses social media to make $1M in first year. Who says...
Founded little over a year ago on the back of a credit card 'investment' Show Pony Fashion has defied the industry trend of sliding sales to post it's first million dollars in revenue. A combination of internationally-inspired, Australian-designed and affordable garments coupled with an intelligent approach to social media and ecommerce seems to have struck a chord with Australia's fashion-conscious women.
Could Facebook become a threat to mobile operators?
Ovum's latest report states that Facebook is invading mobile operators space and could potentially become a very serious threat. However, mobile operators aren't taking Facebook as a serious competitor but rather as a business partner.