Tag: smartphones
My mobile phone can cook chicken while mowing the lawn. What can yours do?
If you're a sucker for mobile phone technologies, prepare to be wowed. In fact, if this amazing concept phone ever becomes a reality, it's likely that every device you own right now will suddenly look and feel like the single-purpose brick you carried around circa 1990.
Hello! You’ve reached someone’s voicemail… again
Voice mail is the most frequently called number, according to an ambitious report by The Full Circle Group, an Australian telecommunications cost management firm. And the best to time to make a business call is not 10am on a Tuesday.
Google phone service interrupts users' conversations with targeted ads [Video]
It is said that in today's mass media society we are exposed to hundreds of ads every day. Well, according to satrical news broadcaster the Onion News Network, that seems likely to rise with Google's new phone service that listens into live telephone conversations and plays targeted ads based on keywords picked up during the chat.
Google phone service interrupts users’ conversations with targeted ads [Video]
It is said that in today's mass media society we are exposed to hundreds of ads every day. Well, according to satrical news broadcaster the Onion News Network, that seems likely to rise with Google's new phone service that listens into live telephone conversations and plays targeted ads based on keywords picked up during the chat.
Apple is a 'Cathedral'. Google is a 'Bazaar'. So where will you park your...
Apple and Google have radically different approaches to building online marketplaces. So will our smartphone apps of the future be delivered from the hallowed alter or the pulsing street?
Apple is a ‘Cathedral’. Google is a ‘Bazaar’. So where will you park your...
Apple and Google have radically different approaches to building online marketplaces. So will our smartphone apps of the future be delivered from the hallowed alter or the pulsing street?