Tag: Senator Kate Lundy
Australian government offers business owners yet another stepping stone
The Business Finances topic provides information on a range of common finance issues. From setting up a bookkeeping system to understanding complex financial terminology, preparing financial reports and applying for finance, the topic helps business owners take a leading role in managing their finances.
Government releases R&D Tax Incentive registration requirements
Has your business got its beady eye on research and development? A publication by AusIndustry may be able to shed some light on the government’s new R&D Tax Incentive.
Video parodies go viral in support of new Communications Minister
Today, the Twittersphere is alive with speculation over whether the controversial internet filtering policy will be ditched and what the future holds for Senator Conroy. The general consensus seems to be one involving a Cabinet shuffle, letting Conroy keep responsibility for the NBN and passing the Communications portfolio to fellow Labor Senator Kate Lundy. Many pundits would be pleased with this development. And so, it could also be argued, might the good Senator himself.
Are new technologies tearing your business model apart?
Do you feel like you and your business model are being pulled from all directions? Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, iPhones, Google Wave, Opera Unite, the list of new platforms and rapidly spreading technologies just keeps growing. Your customers, staff and competitors are all using these tools. What about you?