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Tag: remarkable

When you know what you’re talking about, you will sound like this guy [VIDEO]

This is a video, taken by a sneaky passenger on a Southwest Airlines flight from San Fransisco to Chicago about a week ago. The passenger...

How to get two million YouTube views a day on your latest video [VIDEO]

This is one of the latest videos to go viral. Don't you love that phrase 'go viral'? To have a video go viral is the...

A little something to get you over Hump Day: it’s AC/DC like you’ve never...

Sometimes you don't have to do something 100% original to be awesome. Case in point is this video. It's a version of AC/DC's hit, Thunderstruck. You've...

Everything you ever need to know about bad marketing is in this film trailer...

Fundamentally, marketing is about engaging with the market that makes up your customers. Hence, the term. But, somewhere along the line, movie marketing took a...

The number one activity to get people talking about your brand

Do you want people to talk about your brand? Of course you do. Whether you’re a for-profit or a for-purpose you know this is exactly...

The toughest assignment ever: teaching a dog to drive a car [VIDEO]

How do you tackle the incorrect perception that dogs that end up in animal shelters are 'second class' puppies? Naturally, you teach them how to drive a car.

How to always get paid: Belgium company invents ‘crying’ invoice and becomes ‘remarkable’

Frustration with tardy debtors was the obvious impetus behind this nifty invention from Belgium outfit ikki; an invoice with a voice-chip that begins to make weeping noises 20 seconds after the envelope is opened. But what's truly inventive about the 'crying invoice' is its other purpose.
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Strategic Alliances with Simone Novello [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

Have you heard the often touted claim that the average lifespan of a business is two years? Have you ever wondered why that is? Often, it’s because, in the rush and intensity of starting up, business owners get caught up in day-to-day op-erations and overlook fast growth opportunities, like strategic partnerships. In this FREE INFOGRAPHIC, Simone Novello helps to answer your three most common questions about how to harness the power of... FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS.


Instagram for Business… in 12 steps [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

This FREE INFOGRAPHIC will teach you how to effectively work through these restrictions to maximize the benefits of your business usage of Instagram.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...